Saturday, April 7, 2007


(2nd February 2007)

She stares in silence, not knowing what to say
Never did she imagine that there would come this day
Tears stream down her cheeks & she tries to stop them, but in vain
Never did she know that it would cause her this much pain
Her body sways slightly, her vision falters
She stares at the picture of the one who once sought her
Her lips tremble, her voice is becoming audible
Keeping her balance is close to impossible
She clenches her jaws tightly, to you & I the sight would be absurd
But she's trying to stop herself from uttering a string of incoherent words
Each tear that falls, carries with it a bitter-sweet memory
Of how they lived together in bliss & harmony
His laughter resounds in her head, his scent still fresh on her clothes
But his soul has already ascended to its heavenly abode
For you see, happily wedded were they for nearly a year
Gone were her insecurities & never-ending fears
But then..all it took was a car crash
And all tha happiness she'd ever known had been snatched
Now she stands helpless, and all alone
Looking out at the horizon from their newly-furnished home
As she notices her reflection in the window, her lips form a sad smile
Steadily grows the token of love, their unborn child....


Anonymous said...

Tabarak Allah very nice
Loved how your chose your words really strong words dear

Keep it up and please change the color of your blog lain ma gereeet el poem e7waleeet :)

Anonymous said...

ur comments r even nicer :D
love ma blog tha way iiit iiis..:( if i get ne more complaints regardin tha color..i might consider changin it :P
thanx 4 passin byyy