Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Salam 3lykm

Just back from the hospital - have a severe ENT infection, on ABs for 10 days. I don't think I've ever wished to be knocked out like I did today. The pain was just way too much to bear - tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. I feel like a whuss right now, lol - cried in front of my parents and baby sis...

Anyway, forget that..I wrote a poem while waiting for my turn. I'm not in the condition to be judged, and the hell I care if I am. What frustrates me is that I came back from 7aj, and now..I'm just worst off. Nevertheless, I wouldn't have ever missed it for anything. This poem is not that great, because remember, I'm sick, and in pain, both emotional and physical. So, the last thing I'm going to be 'looking forward' to is a lecture on how I shouldn't write 'unislamic' poems - give me a break. No, seriously...a MAJOR break.

Yes, I'm really trying my best to ignore Shay6an's Damned Whispers, but NO, I' no saint. Yes, I've made major mistakes in life, and NO, I DEFINITELY don't plan to go down the lane again...but this is MY blog, and NO ONE has the right to tell me what I SHOULD or SHOULDN'T write.

This is therapy, and if you don't like it - tough. I'm not holding a gun to your head and asking you to read, am I? I'm grateful to my readers, trust me...there wouldn't be any blog without you guys...but seriously, there really wouldn't be any blog if I didn't need therapy

I leave you with my latest, but definitely not the greatest - Hallucinations.

Tell me what I want to hear
Tell me it's all going to be okay
Tell me I have nothing to fear
Forever by my side you'll stay

Hold me protectively in your arms
Hold me and never let me go
Hold me away from all that harms
Wipe away the tears that begin to flow

Promise me the love I never got
Promise me a life of eternal bliss
Promise me this isn't just another shot
From which you'll walk away if you miss

...A strange wetness jolts me back to reality
That's when I realize tears are streaming down my face
I now know I've reached the height of insanity
Hallucinating in this dark and dreary place


sadia said...

hope you feel better soon!! :)

those aren't hallucintaions...that's what i call hoping for the best. and i hope you do find all that in your life.

BeMyBro said...

Subhan Allah! A human is so weak. most of the time he doesn't realize it until he falls in illnesses. May Allah subhanahu wa ta3ala heal you and protect you from harm.

Anonymous said...

sadia: yzach Allah kil 5ayr fdnya wel a5ira, sis..n i hope you find it all in your life too, and a whole lot more *hug*

BeMyBro: weak, yet also at times..very strong ^_^ & that's so true - worst thing tho is when my bros or Dad fall sick; they become SO helpless, it's heartbreaking!

Ameen - jzak Allah kil 5ayr fdnya wel a5ira, bro ^_^

Anonymous said...

this one's GREAT!

*The wound you've left me with is just too deep*
8My life is slowly bleeding away*
*My heart & soul are for you to keep*
*I never needed them after that wretched day*

AARRGGHH! i'm gonna copy that! ;-) =P =,(

Anonymous said...

oops posted on the wrong one i s'ppose! =S

Bu Thyab said...
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