Friday, December 26, 2008


Salam 3lykm

How are all of you doing, Dear Readers? ^_^ It HAS been quite a while since a blogged anything beneficial for EITHER of us, and that probably has got to do more with the fact that my Iman level has been on an alarming 'low' for some time.

I won't say I'm back to being religious all over again, but what I will say is..Al7mdulillah, Allah gave me the 'tawfeeg' *What's the English word for it again?* to realize many things over the past few days.

I was staring at the title of my blog a couple a days ago, and then I looked at the car posts, poems I wrote recently, and I wondered, 'Where's the connection?'. I read the description written underneath the title, and I imagined what I would probably think if the blog hadn't been mine: 'Is this some kind of twisted joke?'

Lil2asaf eshadeed, scores of Muslims are being massacred in cold blood all over the world, and what are the 'so-called' Islamic countries doing about it? In fact, what are WE doing about it? Let's see, hmm...the Gulf's too busy trying to nationalize countries, and pouring billions of dollars into projects that are meant to 'help them survive after oil runs out'; India and Pakistan are too busy fighting the endless feud over land; Iraq - unfortunately - is just getting screwed over by the US...

لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله...I better not start a proper post just yet - I'm very fired up these days, and I won't think twice of the possibilities of being caught by authorities. Of course, 'freedom of speech' only exists for those dogs. I've been banned in a forum already for voicing my opinions, labeled as a 'racist' against *and this is the hilarious bit* Arabs. If this is called being racist against Arabs, then please tell me what it means to look up to admiringly at a race? Anyway - إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقكم *Note to self: need to learn how to type the i3rab for Ayaat & A7adeeth*

My family is already on the edge with the two 'volatile' posts I've got up on this blog - Al7mdulillah, I've been protected by Allah so far...but for their peace of mind, I promised I wouldn't be writing anything controversial 'any time soon'.

Anyway, the ONE thing I want to leave you guys with is something that should Inshalla help us all when faced with life's challenges. I've blamed my current craziness on stuff that has happened to me, but really..that's just no excuse. From the looks of it, Qiyameh is right around the corner, and I'm pretty sure I don't have much of what's needed to get through the Gates of Jannah! Need to work twice as hard, and these bouts of 'insanity' are really just from Shay6an..trying to bring me down. *Remind me the next time I'm down, guys - lol..*

Anyway, a part of Ayah 90, Surah Yusuf:

إنه من يتق و يصبر فإن الله لا يضيع أجر المحسنين

Sb7analla..sometimes a human can be so ungrateful, and a quote I read somewhere: Allah gives & forgives; Man gets & forgets. I would start off about ungratefulness with myself, of about all the whining I do 24/7! >.< style="font-style: italic;"> really don't miss something or value it until it's gone. And then it's just too late.

This is just a quick, scrambled up post before 7deeth class written within less than 5 minutes, so excuse any shortcomings please. Let's hope this is truly a fresh start to life, leaving the madness of my Jahiliyah days behind.
لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين

Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi t3ala w barakateh

1 comment:

sadia said...

inshallah everything will be alright.
we all suffer from lack of faith at some point or the other...just hang in there!