Sunday, February 1, 2009

Arablish :D

Salam 3lykm

This is a quick 'reference' post if you will - a favor I'm doin' for the people who come across me or other 'Arablishers' over the net, or else where! If you wonder what all those numbers mean, wonder NO MORE...behold the Arablish Key: *sorry for the delay btw, guys!*

2 = ء

3 = ع

‘3 = غ

5 = خ

6 = ط

‘6 = ظ

7 = ح

8 = ق

9 = ص

‘9 = ض

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh :D


Unknown said...

u da man
awesome psot
now i will b linkin tons of ppl here

AbdulAziz Mohammed said...

I loved this post, I think this is very useful for someone like me.

MIB said...

Glad you found a post here that is actually of use to ya! ^_^