Salam 3lykm
Quick post - I'm traveling tomorrow to Lahore for my exams...D3watkom very precious & needed at this time. My return is not guaranteed - if Allah has written death for me, then no one can delay it...thus, if I've wronged anyone intentionally or unintentionally, please forgive me.
Expected arrival back home: 25th July, and if you don't hear from me for a few days after, please start praying for my M'3firah..
Jazakm Allah 5ayr
Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh
insha Allah.. Will pray like Ive been doin for a while. :D
and no worries. C u on 25th!
PS: Stop bein like this. ull come back. Dont show unshukri. If ur meant to die, ull die in either AD or LHR. Dont matter (annoyed)
k, my comment over here is a bit late, and maybe that's a great thing for you to reflect upon. was it necessary to act 'rebellious' in the first hand; secondly looking at some sentences, do u reckon they were 'necessary'! situations arrive to test us, and the outcome's either a win or a loss, no draw.
ay rebellion?:S
ya5iii..i was in a 'dramatic' mood - my friends made SO MUCH FUN of this..they're like..yeah yeah..lahore would 'kill' you?! xD
at the time i wrote this, i was REALLY depressed...goin back home does that to me >.< elmuhem, i have to go back again in 2 wks & i'm SO NOT lookin' forward to it..!
u remind me of a person i know; but then again, try and avoid connecting dendrites responsible for depression to dendrites responsible for sociable areas. since, this connection might be reinforced everytime u visit such a place!!
ya5i the dendrites connect broo7hm..shda5lni f my dendrites?:P impulses just flyyy across without askin me =(
w yeah..that's true...i go into severe depression a week before i have to go to pak >.<
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