Salam 3lykm,
Sharee3a finals start July 10th; it is my last ACADEMIC year..and hopefully, the LAST set of exams I'm ever going to sit for in my life!xD Bachelors and Masters will be completed simultaneously Inshalla, و هذا من فضل ربي.
I would like to request all readers, and those of you who come across this blog, to please pray - not only for my success - but also for the implementation of this Knowledge in this life, in preparation for my Hereafter. My ACTUAL exam will begin once I finish, really; the test of seeing how this Knowledge will be used to cleanse my soul.
I wasn't able to study throughout the year as I was busy with my final year of BBA, so I'm ending up with one year's worth of a course with only ONE month to make it through. Thus, it is an Amanah on all those who come across my blog...pleease pray that Allah gives me the ability to sit down with dedication..and bestows Barakah within this really LIMITED period..and one last thing..PLEASE pray that other problems in life that are posing as obstacles..resolve Inshalla, as they have served as a GREAT distraction ever since I graduated from university.
Barak Allah Feekm w Jzakm Allah kl5ayr fdnya wlA5irah,
Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh