Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

Salam 3lykm

I'm back from 3mrah, w lillah el7md! It was fantabulous - details later!;P The good news is we might be moving; the bad news is..we might be traveling..YES. Again! xD I don't know how moving AND traveling work together, though. =S

Don't have much time to update this blog, really..but if you're interested in what I'm up to in life, feel free to stalk me. *look left, yes..Twitter. :P* Good news for you creepy stalkers who don't want to leave a trace, eh?;)

I promise to get down to writing something that will devour your boredom...SOON. as soon as I get the time.

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh

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