Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Lifetime Mission

Salam 3lykm

A poem I wrote...describing what I would want my lifetime mission to be, in a nutshell. تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الأعمال

I'll retrace deeply carved wounds
Piercing carefully through the scabs
Heart staining my fingers with blood
I'll retrieve the bitter memories I have

I'll do it all to see you smile again
I'll do it all so you don't cry alone
I'll do it all so I can share your pain
Don't pretend to have a heart of stone

Your silent tears I've not yet seen
Their escape betrayed by your words
Your happiness now lies demeaned
Lovers' delirium, you deem absurd

I'll penetrate deeper into my soul
Sharing dark secrets of past shame
I'll do it all with ONE irresistible goal
Inscribing on your bleeding heart..
Allah's Name.

Remember: Allah tests us with Blessings, and Blesses us with Tests.

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh


AbdulAziz Mohammed said...

Very lovely poem I loved it, especially these 2 lines

Your silent tears I've not yet seen
Their escape betrayed by your words

keep up the good works

Dazzling Mage said...

Read it once, and was captivated. Read it twice, and was deeply moved. I love it. The diction used is amazing, and the final 2 lines. Just amazing.

Beautifully written.

Bu Thyab said...

when i read this poem after commenting on the previous I can only quote ur words:

"Spontaneous, 'sarky', & surprisingly emotional = a perfect mix for an explosive reaction, if you ask me =)"


MIB said...

3bdul3ziz: Tslem bro, much appreciated!=$

Dazzling Mage: Love seeing your honorable presence gracin' my blog, Sweets!=D I'm really glad you liked it =$

Bu Thyab: Weeyyyn hal '3aiba?! Miss seeing your posts & comments, walla! lool, true!=$ But you didn't comment on the poem ._. Nice try to escape squeezing the last bit of brain juice left, after all that studying!:P I'll forgive you..only because you're a med student.:P Tslem walla, nawwart my blog!=D

Bu Thyab said...

i think i'm losing my talent and i'm currently being interrupted to write by my cat, i'm writing while she's standing on my face, peh feh pppeeeh - her hair's everywhere!!

k, so wat was i saying... well, i'm analysing it alright, but i find it sort of difficult finding the words for it!!

but its nice to see the person talking to one's self reflecting and caring and remembering Allah's guidance!

MIB said...

lool..poor cat; how she land up on your face?o.O

Talking to oneself? LOL, la la..this is me talking to all those that have been through a heartbreak..

Losing your talent? NO, that can never be!:O Don't let it go! T_T

I've actually lost mine..all thanks to Twitter. It's a blogger's death. x_x But SO unbelievably stress-relieving.o.o

Bu Thyab said...

sb7an Allah, twitter.. i'm using it for arabic news only, hehe

MIB said...

You're on? o.o
Whyy?? Get hooked. O:)
What's your nick hnak?(a) A person like you should tweet, walla. Share your knowledge!