Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Blessed ^_^

Salam 3alykm

I can't believe no matter how ungrateful I am to Allah, he still protects me & blesses me anyway :'( Sub7anallaah, it's so true:

Allah gives and forgives
Man gets and forgets

Walla I'm really happy today, w foog kil hatha...there are so MANY people I'm grateful to right now..w 3shan a du3a2 is accepted faster when it's done in the absence of the person, I won't shout out to those I'm lovin' right now...but I promise you, they're included in my ad3iya...:D

I've really been thinkin' of starting to wear gloves & socks, bes I've been told I'm going into extremes =( My 3elm teachers were very happy to hear my decision, fa that comforted me wayed, bes I want to make sure I keep 'em on...not take 'em off when it starts gettin' hot...make them a part of me when I go out...cuz I know that guys will then definitely keep their eyes off me. I've gotten a push, but I lack the shove to actually start wearing 'em =( 5ayr Inshalla...

I initially thought FaceBook was a waste of time, bes then I realized just as it can be used for flirting & more, it can also be a tool for da3wah! So, I joined...and apart from gettin' in touch with my classmates & lovable bros*:p*, I've learnt that there are a LOT of people out there who hate the way they are, and want to get closer to Allah ^_^ Allah ythabbet-hm..
I still get the odd messages from guys wanting to 'get to know me more'...which really pisses me off; they should at least have the decency to back off after reading my profile! >.< Allah yhdeehm w yhdeena jmee3n.. So, I feel blessed in every way right now, Al7amdulillah. Yeah, even being single seems like a blessing! Allah kateb n9eebi, fa why should I go screwin' myself up in the head? 5ayr Inshalla...I can feel it!:D OK, maybe I'm thinking extreme NOW, bes I'm thinking of a KSA-style 3baah; old women tend to wear chances of bein' harassed decrease to a beautiful 0.1% :D wela have I really lost my mind now? it very much..closest to the Sunna ^_^ I want to do all that, bes a5aaf my relatives will REALLY come onto my case then! As it is, I'm criticized for not dressin' up, my loose clothing, etc etc...and friends will just flip! I know my family will be extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemelyy happy tho...:D aaah...thought is waaayed irresistible! Ygoooolooon...*y8hrooni b3d!* which sane guy will marry a cave woman like you!? Agool, the same kinda sane guy who treats his woman with respect, w doesn't treat her like a friggin' show piece! -.- Lil2asaf, guys back home want the girl to dress up so they can flaunt her on their arm >.<>.< And they call my clothes 'nighties'... least I don't wear my undergarments on the outside w forget my clothes at home...! W7deh gaaletly, we'll all come and sing, drum, & dance at your wedding. I told her, 'sure...if there's enough place outside the weddin' hall...on the STREETS...feel free to!' :D ....ARGH! What's WRONG with people!? Music everywhere! You name it, and I bet won't be free of music! 7atta fel msaajid, est'3firullaah! Musical RINGTONES! Naas y9alloon w all of a sudden, you hear..." CAAAAAAAAAAALIFORNIA LOOOOOVE..." >.<

I SWEAR, there's going to be NO music in my wedding..and if people don't want to come cuz of that...GOOD! More food for the NEEDY..those who ACTUALLY deserve it! No bloody traditions either; it's going to be short, sweet, simple..& memorable! If relatives don't like that...too bad. Deal with it. I didn't poke my nose in their wedding, so I'd appreciate it very much if they kept theirs outta mine! MY wedding, MY rules. And yeah...I'm blessed...with a brain! -.-

And now...*the most important points are always saved for last*
I love my Daddie, my Mommie, 7moodi, Barhoomi, w the naughtiest one outta 'em all...Mufiiii <3

And my verdict: I'm BLESsED. :D

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