Friday, January 25, 2008


Salam 3alykm

Happy, happy, happy al7amdulillaah. I think I found what I was looking for, or maybe what I was looking for found me ;)

Anyway, life has been going wonderfully al7amdulillaah..I just hope it remains that way, Inshalla! So...uni is starting again soon, & I gotta admit, kinda lookin' forward to a new semester. No, not cuz I'm a NERD, but cuz I gotta work on reachin' that high GPA everyone is expecting from me this semester! >.<

Went out today..w enjoyed walking, with only my thoughts to accompany me. It didn't depress me like it used to, Al7amdulillaah. Seeing couples *with or without children* didn't make me feel sad, either; we all have our time. * LOL, sounds like I'm talkin' about DEATH, not MARRIAGE! :p*

Anywaaayyyy...I can't think of any 'blog-worthy' material right now. I'm only bloggin' for someone's entertainment, LOL. I never knew that my insanity could entertain..but hey...there's always a first time for everything! :p *It's nice to know that - other than my pathetic self - there's someone else out there who reads my blog, lol. "Keep it up any longer & you'll be as insane as I am!"*


Anonymous said...

"Anywaaayyyy...I can't think of any 'blog-worthy' material right now. I'm only bloggin' for someone's entertainment, LOL. I never knew that my insanity could entertain..but hey...there's always a first time for everything! :p *It's nice to know that - other than my pathetic self - there's someone else out there who reads my blog, lol. "Keep it up any longer & you'll be as insane as I am!"*"

No comment

Anonymous said...

Hmm...seeing that you selected this paragraph, it's evident you DO have comments on it...if you had 'no comments', then you wouldn't have commented in the first place ;)

There should be a way to disable people from commenting here as anonymous! it's infuuuriiiatiiing!

Anonymous said...

lol, frankly I have just become insane then.
Sometimes being anonymous is good, but I do think there is a way to disable it, you should ask.

Anonymous said...

i wiiiill..don't you worry -.- lol

welcome to the world of the insane, then; we hope you enjoy your stay! :p

Anonymous said...

Good luck then.

Anonymous said...

LOL don't worry...I won't rob your anonymity -.- Had I wanted to stop people from commenting as 'anonymous', I wud've disabled the option a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

How else would we comment on your blog. It is interesting you know, just don't underestimate yourself! reading your blog doesn't necessarily mean we have to comment on it but we do read and your time is not wasted. Time is of the essence.

your fan

Anonymous said...

A philosophical fan, eh?

okayyyy...if ya say so -.-
interesting's just my interpretation of life! :S

I appreciate your comments tho..all of 'em ^_^

disappear said...
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