Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back...soon to be on the runway again!

Salam 3alykm ya jma3t el5ayr!

Yep, I'm back in one piece wel7amdulillah! Exams went great, al7amdulillah..specially...U9OOL el FI8H!=D Fi8h was a disaster though; studied all the main, huge chapters like nika7, 6alag, byoo3, w maya illa the one-page ones like elm2thoon w m'9arba -.- Al7amdulillah 3ela kil 7aal

Tafseer was downright tough, too...I didn't write much in that..not because I didn't know what to write, but because I couldn't form the sentences in Urdu...Inshalla 5ayr..

7deeth al7amdulillah had me in tears...with happiness, LOL! Same goes for Na7w & Seera! Wel7amdulillah, I can NOW thoroughly ENJOY my vacation, with NO studies in the way!=D

7ad eygooly what happened to my last post? chenna someone chopped it cuz ma3ybenna? ma3laih, lol! I'm SO happy to be back home, al7amdulillah! *Ironic, cuz I supposedly just came back from my 'home country' :p*

Inshalla will be on the move on Thursday; heading for 3mra bi2ithnillaah ^_^

M3enna life is being slightly rough on me ATM, I'm taking it one day at a time. After all, mub chenna those you love the most, are the ones who take a shot at your heart? Wel7amdulillah 3ela kil 7aal - a3ref there's 5ayr in this, too...7atta low I can't seem to see it right now. I guess I was well-prepared for whatever came my way this time, though. 'History repeated itself' and I REALLY saw it coming. *Shrugs* 3ela kil 7aal al7amdulillah

People keep asking me how my trip was. Well, besides the creepy crawlies, electricity cuts, heat, flooded wasnt THAAAAT bad!:p OMG, creepy crawlies freak me OUT, and I don't know WHY...I ALWAYS spotted 'em! *Shudders* It was entertainment for the rest, to watch me screaming around about some critter -.- LOL.

My sleeping and eating went haywire; which is why I suppose I managed to drop off some 'excess baggage' :p *WOOHOO!* Needless to say, we reached home at Fajr yesterday, and I slept from 6 to 6; a straight 12-hours! *yes, I myself CANNOT believe it!* Woke up, and was back snoozing away at 3am :p Woke up at 615 and couldn't go back to sleep, so now I'm watching 'freej' :p *So much for 'miss m6aw3a'!-.-*

My wrists are sore from all that writing I did in the past week, so I'll be taking a short break from typing, Inshalla. Will be back, full-force, head-on, etc etc after two weeks or so!

Take care y'all,

Wes Salam 3alykm w Ra7matullahi t3ala w barakateh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very fine......