Monday, September 1, 2008


Salam 3lykm

Aahhhh, I'm SO bored! I crashed at 11 last night, couldn't go on further - although I planned to stick through, and have a talk with the couple...but Al7amdulillah, I think everything is sorted out now. All I have to do is stick around, and throw 'em in to lock-down, Inshalla. *refer to previous post*

I woke up at 745am - good sign. Hopefully my sleep pattern is going to settle down into the proper mode now. Took a shower and got ready, but there's nothing to do, no where to go! The weather is looking slightly weird - looks like there's going to be a dust storm. Had enough of those on the KSA highway! We even got stuck in one on the Madeena Hiway - cops pulled everyone over off the Hiway because it was pretty bad. Dad brought the Tank from a 140 to a crawl - was a miracle really, Al7amdulillah. Nearly got thrown over!

Dad's been shouting at me, tells me I look GRAY. I don't...they think I look yellow, and blue at times too..but I'm NORMAL. I'm not in the mood for food anymore. Used to the heavy 'workout' I used to get in KSA, and the killed appetite, and since Rama'9an's here, can't be stuffing my face like a hog! Besides, gotta gear up and keep in shape for our trip in Rama'9an; going to be mad rush, and there will be a lot of running around!

There was a lot of rush now as well, specially them bloody Iranis who spoil everyone's 6awaf & 3mra with their persistently loud chanting! They'd just come in their mega huge groups, and everyone would be cursing them, including the local Makkawis. God knows what the hell they come for; they should just stay back in Karbala...come and scream 'Ya Ali!' and spoil the whole atmosphere for those around them!

What the hell is the use of coming all the way down into 7aramain eshareefain, then doing Sajda on that THING..or that Karbala mat they have? 5leekm hnaak! Walla, they gave me a hard time, but I think my hatred for them is pretty apparent...because a couple of times, they just got up and ran from where I was sitting. I have many stories about the 5aba2ith they do when they come down to KSA, and these are all FRESH! What happened in front of ME, this time...! Allah y7f'6na min shar'hum...even the S3oodis are sick and tired of them...and 3fanAlllaaaahhhh...they STINK SO BAD! The poor Shur6iyaat were gagging when these stink bombs past by. It's the smell of their KUFR and SHIRK - they don't even PRAY in jma3a when they come here! It's not happened once, or twice....EVERYTIME...they spoil other people's 9alah, destroy 9foof with their presence!

What's with the 'getting rid of flies' move?! 3faaanallaaah! Can you imagine how hellish it was for me? Next thing I knew, I was looking around for a place in the 9aff next to a person who does 'salam' the NORMAL way! I once ended up next to B7raini or 3ragi Shee3is - how the hell was I supposed to know they're shee3i?! I used to try to get a place next to the Malays, or Indonesians..if not next to S3oodis. Al7amdulillah, in Makkah I always ended up next to Emaratis, one way or another! Madeena was a toughie, but once I literally got up and changed my place because the 9aff was INFESTED with Iranis - 3fanallah! Couple of Madani women started laughing, because they knew what I was doing. One person who works in 7aram told me, it's literally impossible to avoid these people - they are like ROACHES! Can you imagine, there are now security cameras in the ladies side of 7aram *A tip-off for all you mtna8ibaat out there; keep your n8ab on all the time!* because one woman was found taking an arms-length KNIFE inside?!

They do strip searches, specially for the Iranis now...who behave really rudely! If I had to deal with 'em, I'd throw 'em outta the Masjid from the entrances! They push their way through, ignoring the women working there! Thanks to them, mayd5loonkm with a camera phone! Apparently, some Iranis were caught taking pictures of other women INSIDE 7aram! *Another reason why all mtna8ibat need to keep their n8ab on!* So, I had to deal with being cut off from my parents for around 5 or 6 hours, and I'm grateful they were ASLEEP or they'd be worried SICK about me. Later on, they let me go through, because I showed them my gallery..told them I never take shots of 7aram OR even places outside! Fone is just for keeping in touch with parents..

Gelna laysh ma7ad ygoolhm shay?! They come in, even though the locals, even those working in 7aram are sick of them! Turns out, Uboohm el Amreekan had a problem during the days it wasn't allowed for them to come in. So, now we have visa restrictions on everyone except these vile cockroaches, and it pisses the hell outta me! Al7amdulilah 3ela ni3m el i8ameh..

You will be disgusted to know that they bring filth into 7aram, and it is very common for them to URINATE in the Zamzam drinking areas for men and women, in the ma6af...hell, around the whole MASJID! They are the most NASTIEST bunch of people I've EVER heard of - I'm well-known for my bitter hatred of Shee3is...agulkm, hm wel yhood NAFS ESHAY! Who started Shee3ism anyway? A JEW living in Madinah. Allah y7f'6na min sharrhm!

Mind you, I have nothing against Iranis..unless they SHEE3I. Latgooloonli enhm Muslimeen...cheft-hm w cheft t9arrufaat-hm...MUSHRIKEEN. Maysjdoon lillaah - ysjdoon lil gboor fel Madinah! Al7amdulilah their burial is FORBIDDEN is el ba8ee3; no Shee3i's jnaza is brought in 7aramain eshareefain after an incident where the face of one had turned into that of a pig, wel3iyaath billaah.

I'll leave the stories for another post - right now I'm really hot-headed after talking about them! I used to read t3awwuth kilma they used to pass by, hoping they'd disappear! 3fanallaahh!

For any Shee3i who reads this: please stay miles away from me - I can't stand you lot...entow 3dow er R7maan! I've had fights with your kind, and I promise you...NONE of them have been pretty.

Rest of my readers: Call me an extremist, if you will...but only if you knew half the things they do when they go to 7aram, maybe you'd turn 'extremists' like me! W7da yalsa fir rou'9a w t9ee7 w t'9rib 3mrha w tgool ya 3ali?! Al7amdulillah the Shur6iya threw her out Bab Jibraeel - told her to go back to Karbala & do all the 'Ya 3ali' she wants.

7asbunallah w ni3mel wakeel!

Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh

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