Tuesday, September 16, 2008

DEBATE: 5aleeji Rap?

Salam 3lykm,

OK y'all, adding a new 'feature' to this blog - DEBATES - there are a lot of topics that can be debated about, and I'll be taking them one at a time, Inshalla. I was given this idea a long time ago, but I was hesitant about it for a while. I've seen how fights erupt, just because two people can't agree on the same point. I should add, I can get fired up when it involves Islam...I just see black or white, nothing in between. However, I've learned that you can't enforce your opinion on someone; you can stir doubts in their mind, and weaken their foundations;)

Oh, another thing...I've added a 'cbox' on the right; it's pretty self-explanatory, eh?:p

Right, lets get this thing started...first, take a look at this video:

Q: How do y'all feel?
Proud & happy?
..Or saddened & angry?

Here's MY 2cents worth:

I thought it would be hypocritical of me to share music, as I 'claim' I've stopped listening to it. That's 100% correct, al7amdulillah..but then it would lead some people to think, 'how did she hear of these people, then?' Am I right? It's aiight, because yes, that question would arise in my mind, too.

Lookin' at these guys...OK...sure, first time I saw it, I had this big grin on my face to see the guys bouncin' around, wavin' their hands, lookin' proud to be Emarati, drivin' the crowd wild..etc etc (Y)

Then, I kinda had this brain freeze, and the jumpin' around didn't seem so nice anymore. Call me an extremist, but Ummat M7amad doin' this now? Wesh elferg beynhm w beyn el'3rb? Sure, the lyrics are different, might contain 'proud to be a Muslim' and words like that, but the whole 'bling' attire, the whole action is ALL the SAME!

Take a look at this; I didn't know what to do when I saw this..it shocked me for a complete day.

Yes, take a look at the auditions...these are Makkawis...am I still an extremist when I think, 'this is one of the holy lands'? Thousands and thousands of people die hoping they could go for 7ajj, or AT LEAST, go for 3mra ONCE. These are people fortunate enough to be LIVING there...and they're doin' WHAT instead?

Al7amdulillah, we still have many brothers like this one - may Allah protect them from prevailing fitn w fwa7ish; Ameen -

I'm not jealous of Desert Heat, don't get me wrong here...a lot of people would call me a 'hater'.No, for rappers, they are really very good! I mean, if I had found them when I was listening to music, I probably would've dropped listening to 'Western Rap' and stuck to them! But...shbab el Muslimeen...=(

Anyway, I shared my opinion about the whole thing, would like to see yours ^_^ Please feel free to agree or disagree; everyone is entitled to their own opinion (Y)

And lemme know if you think I'm an extremist; it's okay, because I've been called that a couple of times ;)

Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh


bb_aisha said...

Assalaamu alaikum

thanks for stopping by my blog. i've seen another video of jeddah rappers & i was disappointed too. no, you're not extremist. i don't mind rap but the music scene, the dancing & jumping around on stage definitely not on.

But I also think that perhaps for people living in Saudia, the identity crisis is far worse than those living in non-Muslim countries. I was shocked when I met Saudi girls last year who wouldn't return my salaam, instead saying hi, wearing low-cut shirts showing cleavage. Instead of living a balance, they rebel when out of the country.

May Allah guide us all

sadia said...

u aren't an extremist. i don't listen to music either alhumdulillah, so i dissaprove of all kinds of music, be it rap or pop...be it arab or western! may allah (swt) guide us all to what is correct :)

Anonymous said...

Ameen..jzakn Allah 5ayr for stoppin' by, sistas ^_^