Sunday, September 14, 2008


Salam 3lykm

First off, I got an interesting response to my previous post regarding the 'comments' form. The sister's suggesting I copy past all the comments in the emails into the 'comments' form one by one, with the nick of the person who sent the comment. Smart one she definitely is...but why on earth should I do all that work in the first place?! -.- LOL, you're those fingers towards the 'comments' form, or else!-.- :p

I've noticed my readers are losing interest; the number of comments I'm getting are decreasing by the post! Fair enough, I'll just stop writing, eh?;) I was asked to increase the number of poems; I only write when I'm 'inspired', y'all. I can't write ON DEMAND.=S

This blog was initially meant for posting my poems, yes...but then I discovered it served as 'therapy'. If you want to read poems, go right to the beginning - and I shouldn't be directing you to it - but there's a link to my windows live space in the post where I established I wouldn't be writing love/heartbreak poems anymore. You'll find a couple of poems there, those which I didn't post here. You could try gettin hold of my phone, and going through my 'notes'...or my 'special poem notebook' where you'll find my EXCLUSIVE poems *they'll never be published*...but then again, you might as well DREAM ON!:p

It is slightly disheartening to keep seeing '0 comments', but I guess the emails compensate for that...but like I said, their numbers are decreasing too!:'( *boohoo!:p* Once I come down to 3 or less emails, I'll stop blogging..I'll stick to my 'notes' & my 'special notebook'. -.-

I'm glad that some of my posts have actually helped people in their lives, and I would love to keep helping y'all, but what's the fun in this 'one-way communication'?=(*of it's own kind*

Anyway, I have a class to get to, so I'ma get a move on now. I'll give it 'til after 3eed - if the situation doesn't improve, I might just remove this blog...or leave it to collect dust.

Take care, y'all

Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi w Barakateh

*PS. I suck at emailing y'all, which is why I prefer the 'comments' form. So, for all those *not too many of you now =(* who have sent emails through, please bear with me; I'll reply...eventually.

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