Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Nothing BUT Numbers

Salam 3alykm

We all got our grades...and...Al7amdulillah 3ela kil 7aal. Maybe it's Allah's way of protecting us all from Kibr & Takabbur, so I'm not complaining. I've been receiving calls since last night, 'Mabrook! You've got wonderful grades!', but I was thinking, 'Are you KIDDING me?'

I spoke to my teachers today, and it brought tears to my eyes to hear THEM congratulate me on my great effort, when I had NOTHING to do with my effort; it was all THEIR WORK. I barely studied...I'm a lousy student. I remember, when I was let down by 5 points from the highest teacher told me, ' I was surprised to hear your grades; you could have done better.'

This year, we've truly received the message, 'Numbers DON'T count'...LOUD & CLEAR! Our top-listers got lower marks than I did, & I cannot believe it. They studied day & night, the whole year round...these are people who used to get FULL marks in their tests and mock exams..! They were MORE well-prepared than I was; someone who studied everything in LESS THAN A MONTH!

Sb7analla, someone who was a POSITION HOLDER...didn't even make it to the top-listers...and I look at that girl with astonishment when she humbly says, ' This is what I deserved'.

I'm sure there has been a complete mess-up, but I will not get my exams rechecked, and neither will anyone else. We know what we received, although something completely UNBELIEVABLE, yet there is 5ayr in this all the way.

May Allah save us from Kibr & Takabbur, and may He give us the toufee8 to bring whatever knowledge we have into practice through our a3maal, and may whatever knowledge we've learned, enter the depths of our heart instead of staying right up on the surface; Ameen.

D3watkom, dear readers...

Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh

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