Monday, October 13, 2008


Salam 3lykm

No, this isn't a continuation of my last post..this is just something I want to share with you all*I don't clearly know WHY..* but's a poem I'd love to hate, lol..

I was going through my poems saved on the PC, and I came across this. It's currently titled, 'Thank You, Bro', but if y'all can come up with a better one, that'll be great! (Y) Once again, don't be quick to judge...إن بعض الظن إثم. It's the very least I could do for someone through whom I finally came back to my Deen, wel7amdulillah.

It was my very first attempt at a direct dedication, and I don't think I ever wrote words like these ever again *the last few lines* This was written around the 10th of June, 2006. It was originally written in my old style of 'chewed up words', but I've converted it into 'proper English', because it now seems retarded, lol *Ibrahim, as were right -.- lol :p*

Thank You, Bro

This is just a small way of thanking you

I really appreciate everything that you do

From pulling me back up wen I'm feeling really down

To bringing out a smile & wiping away the frown

Brother, you were always there for me when I needed support

You were always the one who gave me solace & comfort

You never silenced me even when I got hyper & crazy

You dealt wit me in a 'fab' way & oh-so-patiently

When I think of all that u have done

I'm left speechless & a little stunned

Because I don’t understand what I've done to deserve

All those lovely 'pressies' n them kind words

You were the one who stopped the endless flow of my tears

Every time I thought of the past few years

You never treated me harshly like others do

And for that also, I'm in debt to you

One day, I would love to give all that in return

And bring to you the joy you’ve rightfully earned

May Allah bless you with the happiness you bring in my life

In the form of a loving, caring, & righteous wife

May He shower His Mercy & Love on both of you

May He bestow the patience & endurance needed to go through

All the tests of life that you yet have to face

May both of you find bliss & harmony in that Wonderful Place

May the Gates of Jannah be spread wide open in your presence

May the sweet-smelling Musk become your eternal fragrance

Brother, for now there isn’t anything better I can think of to do

Other than include you in all my ad3iya, too

Once again, Jazakallah 5ayyr for all that you've said & done

May you gain the best & Eternal Reward from The Most Merciful One!

Allahumma Ameen...

I think I can safely blame the slight 'weirdness' of this post on Dunkin Donut's iced mint coffee; people, please...don't drink it. I sincerely advise you not to; it tastes horrible, & keeps sleep away. I had only slept for 3-4 hours, and I was falling asleep in class, writing 'notes' from God knows where *they had absolutely NOTHING to do with Macroeconomics*..I drank that *in anger & 'rebellion'*...there is nothing more horrible than it...even COUGH SYRUP tastes better!

As you can see, I make very little sense even now...

I was slightly hesitant to share this poem earlier, as I hadn't written anything like this for my own brothers. However, since they both have their own, highly personalized dedications now, I thought, 'it's safe, no jealousy' *Ha ha* :p

Take care, y'all,

Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh

*PS. For those of you wondering what language the post's title is in--> Nostalgia + Chick*


Unknown said...

u got 2 lucky bro's!

n why would u even choose "mint" anywys? n dont try mint Polo too!

Anonymous said...

lol, I don't think that's how they feel about it :p

I chose mint cuz I assumed minty things are all 'cooool'...i could BARELY taste the mintiness!

the guy poured some green gunk in, which I presume he thought is 'mint SYRUP'..made my coffee look like some muddy gunk with algae growin' in it! >.<