Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why...Did You Do It?

Salam 3lykm

I'm back from 7aj y'all - Al7mdulillah it was an amazing experience, and will share more about it in upcoming posts, Inshalla. We stopped over in Do7a yesterday, spur-of-the-moment thing, really...and reached home last night at 1am, al7amdulillah. I'm not feeling well - got the 7aj bug - and I have uni to get ready for >.< Anyway, leaving you with my latest, entitled "Why?":

It wouldn't take a genius to realize
I'm completely lost without you
It can get tiring living a life of lies
Knowing I really have nothing to look forward to

Some have declared that I'm heartless
Others claim I'm just wasting precious time
Does it mean I'm unbelievably obsessed
If I still fail to get you off my mind?

The wound you've left me with is just too deep
My life is slowly bleeding away
My heart & soul are for you to keep
I never needed them after that wretched day

At least my tears don't flow endlessly anymore
Over something that pushed me to attempt suicide
The same thing that's burned me down to the core
...The question to which no one has yet replied...


The Extravagate said...

7aj ma8bool & 3edich mbark:)

The poem is amazing mashalla

Anonymous said...

Welcome back :D the poem is great.

sadia said...

well written mashallah...
but it's sad! :(

j~ said...

7aj mabror :D

mshallah, ur poem amazing

Anonymous said...

notorious: Ameen..3layna w 3laych sis..glad you think so!^_^

bookie: muchas gracias amigaa!*hug*

sadia: thanx, yeah...i know..sometimes, life can be very sad...al7amdulillah 3la kil 7aal..

XX: Ameen...mashkoora yel '3alya *hug*

Anonymous said...

this one's GREAT!

*The wound you've left me with is just too deep*
8My life is slowly bleeding away*
*My heart & soul are for you to keep*
*I never needed them after that wretched day*

AARRGGHH! i'm gonna copy that! ;-) =P =,(

AbdulAziz Mohammed said...

As touching as ever. Loved ur poem Um3awas ^_^