Salam 3lykm
When I said at least I don't cry endlessly anymore, I was SO DAMN WRONG - and I hate myself SO VERY MUCH right now. Shay6an is breaking me down. I want to sleep FOREVER. I can't take this ANYMORE. The one thing I ask for is to forget everything, not to be affected by it...WHY is it the only thing that seems to be REJECTED every time?
It's KILLING me...slowly...and I can't stop it.
the past haunts us all.
some of us get effected more than others.
rather than forgetting the past, learn from it.
what doesn't kill us, just makes us stronger....9a7?
hang in there honey! <3
may ALLAH give you strength to bear this.
don't ever give up ! just get rid of all of those bad stuff that haunts you from the past .. you're living the present why to imprison yourself in the past .. live your day be thankful for what allah gave u .. never look at those who live a better life .. see those who live a continuous suffering .. right then, you'll stop crying and know that your life is way better than many ..
May Allah give u all that you wish for and more ..
Sadia & Errant: Jzakn Allah kil 5ayr, w Allah ys3dkn dnya w a5ira ^_^
If things like this happened try to not resist the feeling, just acknowledge it without reacting and it will fade automatically ^_^
Kayf acknowledge without reacting? =/ It was a lot more than you can possibly imagine, lol..Al7mdlla 3la kl 7aal..
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