Saturday, May 30, 2009

Depression Takin' Over?

Salam 3lykm

The title says it all; I'm feeling severely depressed. My family's begun to notice my really messed up mood swings, and right now I'm on the verge of tears. I don't know what's brought this all upon me again, but I feel like going into isolation once more. Have even been playing with the idea of deleting this blog, and leaving the net world completely. I'm even considering giving up writing, because as it is...I'm not getting any encouragement whatsoever from my family. I know they don't mean to hurt me, and they're just joking around...but being called crazy really cuts deep now. I've begun to doubt myself, and it really hurts..not having any support. I don't mean to whine about my life, and like bro says...I know I'm complaining which could lead to ungratefulness, but I can't take it anymore. I'm being misunderstood...or maybe...maybe I'm just crazy.

Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh

PS. Being called an attention-seeker by my bro for writing up on my blog was like a slap on my face. He claims if I wasn't, then this blog would be totally private without any readers..something like a diary. I'm beginning to doubt myself you fail to find this blog within a couple of days, please don't be surprised.


3li said...

Writing is for 2 reasons: the subtle enlightening experience that you get, and the hopes of enlightening someone else.

Books are written for people to read.

Let people say what they want, thats what critics are for.

Bu Thyab said...

k, let me start:

it's a fact that u were depressed (full stop) continue writing or stop writing, choose one then (full stop) next, continue blogging or stop, choose one then (full stop) and so forth. in each step write the pros and cons for each choice. probably u figured it by now, wat i wanted u to take out from this is to admit ur position in any situation then u can solve it by making the right choices, and sometimes all choices are correct.

Anonymous said...

3li and bu thyab: your words of wisdom NEVER fail to enlighten long as i keep gettin comments like these from both of ya, i might just keep writin'..even if i have absolutely NOTHIN' to say!;D