A student asked the following question on our Project Management forum online: Do you consider your life a project? And who's really managing it?
Allah yjzeeh kil 5ayr fdnya wl A5ira, lena the brother doesn't know it, but I was feeling severely depressed, and close to giving up on life. He doesn't know it, but he actually got me thinking, and once I started, my brain kicked into over-drive. This was my response, and needless to say...I am feeling happy and content yet once again, و هذا من فضل ربي
اللهم لك الحمد كمــا ينبغــي لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطــانك
Essalam Alykm,
Interesting question...
From the way I see it - yes, life is a project. Let me show you - by using the definition from the book - how exactly it is a project.
A project is a complex, non-routine, one-time effort limited by time, budget, resources, and performance specifications designed to meet customer needs.
I'm going to adopt a realistic and religious approach over here, supporting each claim with examples.
1. Complex: Life is complex - there are ups and downs ,and sometimes it can get SO complex, that it gets out of people's hands, so they end it..thinking that would end all complexity, but instead, they just make things worse for themselves. No matter the age a person is in, he/she will inevitably face obstacles in life, even if those may seem like the total opposite when he/she grows older. E.g. An infant gets frustrated when it can't take the wrapper off a candy; a child gets frustrated when he/she cannot convince his/her elders to buy him/her something he/she really wants; an adult gets frustrated when he/she cannot find a job to support the family. These are all forms of complexities at different stages in life.
2. Non-routine: You cannot say that everyday is the same. Realistically speaking, you might get up, get ready, go to work/university, attend classes, come home, etc. but everyday something new DOES happen. E.g.you learn something new everyday; you come across many new situations everyday even if your environment stays the same, etc.
3. One-time effort: You make it or you break it. You have one life, and in that, you are the one that works towards either success or failure. You can either follow the 'rules and regulations', not break any constraints, not disobey the One who gives you all the Commands, and attain total success...or you can do all the opposite, and lead yourself down the path of failure. The measurement of your achievement (work and effort) are your deeds (A'maal); your progress is mirrored in the lifestyle you live; the Evaluator/Judge of whether your 'project' (your life) was a success or a failure is Allah.
4. Limited by time: We are not immortals - everything that has been created will end, and so will our lives. Our beginning is when the clot forms ('Alaq), right down to the time with the Angel of Death seizes our soul at the Command of His Creator.
5. Budget & Resources: This is our 'Rizq', or all that which has been provided to us. It IS limited too - it is one of the five things that are written down when life is breathed into the soul of the fetus. We are only going to get how much is written down for us - no more, no less. With this provision, we are supposed to work our way to our project's success - and like I already mentioned, we are the ones who decide the 'allocation of our resources'. E.g. We spend our resources for lawful means -> our resources are WELL USED and contribute to our project's success. We spend resources for unlawful means -> our resources are WASTED, and that contributes to our project's failure. Remember - we have limited time and resources, which means both are valuable. Losing either one of them could contribute to the failure of our project.
6. Performance Specifications: namely, this is our Faith (Iman) and piety (Taqwa). The stronger our faith is, and the more pious we are, the higher our 'performance' will be, leading to the success of our project. Similarly, the weaker our faith, and the less pious we are, the resulting lower performance levels will reduce our chances of success. Keep in mind that our faith is never constant; its strength is always fluctuating (changing) because of our changing surroundings and 'distractions' (Fitn) or obstacles (Shaytaan - the Cursed Devil)
7. ...designed to meet customer needs: here is where there is a conflict. We cannot say or even think for an instant that Allah can be labeled as a customer - (Wel 'Iyath Billah) Allah Forbid! Neither can we use the word 'need', as He is The All-Mighty who is in need of nothing. However, we can still maintain the meaning by exchanging the word 'customer' with 'Creator', and 'need' with 'commands'. Thus, it makes perfect sense - indeed, our life must be 'designed' in accordance with the Commands of Allah, to reach the Ultimate Success.
I have covered all the characteristics of a project, save one: the involvement of several departments and professionals. Again, this is found in life - the people we associate with, our elders, life partners, etc. signify different departments; doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc. signify the professionals.
This is exactly how I view life, and since religion is the backbone of life - you cannot do without it - I could not think of a better way to support my statements. Hopefully, you might even find this helpful in remembering the definition of a project for the exams!
Wes Salam Alykm w Rahmatullahi T'ala w Barakateh
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