Friday, November 20, 2009

New Features

I've added two new features to the blog:

1. Anonymous readers can now let me know what they think of the post, while maintaining their anonymity. I would greatly appreciate it if my beloved readers could give me feedback with a mere click of a button ^_^

2. A poll that will close after my 'double graduation' this summer Inshalla! Depending solely on your votes, I will decide whether this blog needs a full-blown makeover or not...and because that will take a substantial amount of time, I chose to do it after my life 'ends'...since my life literally revolves around STUDYING right now! xD

Jzakm Allah 5ayr!


Bu Thyab said...

wat's the difference b/w i LIKE this and awesomeness???

Anonymous said... was supposed to be 'i like this' y3ni yeah, its ok..i like it..but 'awesomeness' is like...i LOVE this..this is the greatest thing you've written, or this is the only sensible post i've seen here!:p

Bu Thyab said...

cool thnx!!