New poem; written today while waiting for Dad to pick me up from university. 26th May, Inshalla...this nauseating 'semi-confinement' shall finally come to an end. A total detachment, I anticipate. A total detachment from the foreign and unnerving feelings I get, as I walk through the doors; familiar faces, yet all foreign. Unfamiliar faces; unnerving. Raw emotions tearing through walls of steel; crippled by thoughts that relentlessly batter my mind. A victim yet once again. I spare you of my delirious state, leaving you with my latest: 'Invisible'.
I watch as they all pass by
Seconds turn into minutes
It's a thought I can't deny
As time is translated into digits
Swarmed by buzzing hornets
A threat to my thoughts' existence
Their deadly stingers an outlet
For those with inadequate resistance
They hover about in swarms...
I stand solitary.
Arising to work like lifeless forms
My gait: Military.
A Horrible Misfit
Everyday spent: confinement so despicable
Hours born of minutes
Devoured by self-hatred: a mere speck...
Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh
PS. I'm not crazy; I just have a brain kicked into 'overdrive'. ;)
Seconds turn into minutes
It's a thought I can't deny
As time is translated into digits
Swarmed by buzzing hornets
A threat to my thoughts' existence
Their deadly stingers an outlet
For those with inadequate resistance
They hover about in swarms...
I stand solitary.
Arising to work like lifeless forms
My gait: Military.
A Horrible Misfit
Everyday spent: confinement so despicable
Hours born of minutes
Devoured by self-hatred: a mere speck...
Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh
PS. I'm not crazy; I just have a brain kicked into 'overdrive'. ;)