Sunday, April 18, 2010

A 'Graduate' :')

Salam 3lykm

I was going through ups and downs in life, and I'm still going through them...but I would like to share with you news of great value to me: 12th April, 2010 was a day of great significance to me; countless tears were shed, and countless 'reminiscent' laughs were shared, in the company of Banaat 3zeez ur R7maan...on the occasion of my 'graduation'. However, even though I have successfully completed the four-year long Sharee3a course, I stress on the fact that, 'there is yet much knowledge to be acquired', and thus I will continue to bear the label of 6alibat el 3elm until Youm al Qiyamah. I cannot bear the weight of the label '3alimah', and would like to request all to refrain from calling me that, as I do not deem myself worthy of such a responsibility.

This graduation IS, of course...MUCH more significant than my second, upcoming graduation; on May 26th Inshalla, I will be a jailbird at ADU no more. ;) I have no plans to attend my graduation however, as attainment of that degree was solely for the sake of pleasing my more, no less. Bi Fa' objective has been achieved, w lillaah el7md.

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh


YAZ said...

Congrats :Dmabrook masha2aAllah...graduation is just the beginning ;)

MIB said...

Thanx, w Allah ybarek feech..
lol, dunno whether it's the beginning or the end, bs Allah y3een..