Thursday, April 1, 2010


Salam 3lykm,

Sh7alkm? A9ln, madry low anyone reads this blog anymore fa I'm going to stop asking this question soon. I've been busy throwing all that's left of my creativity into my elective English writing course, which is why this blog has become more of a

Before I leave you with my latest therapy, a word of advice to the free-riders on my cbox:
Keep your sh** off my blog, please. This isn't an advertisement board at any cost. I've deleted the messages; there's zero-tolerance for explicit content. You and the rest of your kind have been warned.

Yeah, notice the bitterness in my tone? I'm in no-nonsense mode these days, for some strange reason. Anyway, enough said..I'll now leave you with the latest insight on my mental state (not very pleasant, lol). Enjoy intruding and snaking through the dark thoughts that fill my mind. ;)

The feeling of being lost is terrible. You don't know what to do; where to go; or how to find help to get back in the right direction. You might have even be lost forever, thus clueless of what the right direction really is. It's at times like those where you just want to throw everything and sit down. Helpless. Feeling hopeless. A Quitter. Or maybe, a Survivor.

Am I lost? Maybe not, but one thing is for sure: I have yet to be found. The question is: am I looking for something? I might be. It might exist, and it might not. I don't know.

The end. I've thought about it: what it's going to be like; will I succeed or fail. When I think of failing, that's when I shape up. only lasts for a few days, if not less. Unfortunately.

It's happening again.More frequently now than before: slow suffocation. It feels like my lungs are about to collapse; my breath is struggling to escape.

What am I? What is happening to me? Where are all these questions rising from? Wait, I know. I know one line that will suffice as an answer to everything that threatens my sanity. What's left of it, of course.

I'm merely a victim of life's uncertainties.

PS. Please pray for me; really strong headaches of increasing frequency are 'rocking' my life. Don't know what they are, but I doubt they are migraines. No, I've not been to the doctor, yet..

Jzakm Allah 5ayr. =)

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh


Anonymous said...

You are funny. don't like offering advices but here we go. . . Just relax sistaa, go to a Spa, get a massage, do a mani and padi, take a chill pill, fly to an island and jump into the crystal clear blue waters. Go Crazy cuz if you don't, you will eventualy explode...and you don;t want that.

you know El deen yosor, not 3osor. B L R R "La yokalef allah nafsan ella wos3aha" 9 L 3

wo selaaaam allah 3aleech

MIB said...

Funny as in 'haha' funny, or funny as in 'weeeeeiiird' funny?

I've never seen a spa OR a salon unless on TV, and I don't plan to change that anytime soon.;P Mani for what? I already take care of my nails in an 'au naturale' way. If you're providing the plane, I'll do that tonight, bs all I know is doggie paddlin'; ya think that'll be good enuff for me to avoid drowning, or ya suggest I take those arm floats along?:P

Go crazy? But I don't have to..I already AM. Haih adry, w 3la fkra Deen makes you accept life the way it is WHILST content..and I'm workin' on it..barely any success but من جد وجد, right?

3l 3moom, Tslmain/Tslem Anonymous; you revived the long-dead feeling of replying to comments!xP