Salam 3lykm
First off, a shout-out to my 'Loyal Readers' - whether you still read this or not - without you, this place wouldn't exist. (I would've probably stopped blogging a month or two after I started, lol.) This also includes the 'silent readers' - you know who you are! (I WOULD like to know who you are, but then again...thank you for stickin' around!=D)
I didn't realize it, but this blog is officially
3 years old..
April 7th, 2007 - 16th May, 2010. I didn't think I'd keep blogging, really. I didn't know that one
fine day, I'd have written over 50 poems. Through this blog, I met many different people, and learned
countless lessons in life...some of which were really 'bitter', but قدر الله ما شاء فعل ...I don't regret any of them, and as I always say..if I had the chance to go back and change anything in my life..I wouldn't change a
single thing.
Wow..time 10 days, by this time...
I'll be walking outta university for the last time...and that feels REALLY weird. It's not like I won't have anything to 3x, I have SO MANY plans...I'm worried I won't be able to do most of them, in case..well...I get married. *My lips are
sealed 'til it happens, so no questions on this one. ;)* exactly 2 months..I'll be flying back from Lahore, Inshalla...after my FINALS. This time, I'm not really freaked out or depressed about going; I guess it's because we'll be staying with family, Inshalla..memorable experience, walla. Here's hopin' their wild neighbors don't have any of their deafening parties this time!>.< style="color: rgb(102, 51, 51);">
fast lane! Oh..judging from the poll's votes on the whole 'blog makeover', standby for a 'new look'...should be changed by August, but like I said...I've been pushed into life's fast lane...which means a LOT to do, but in very LITTLE time!
A sister was reminding me that this year is my 'golden year'. Whatever that means, lol..apparently, since I'm turning 22, and my birthday is on the's my 'golden' year. :P It's only going to be golden if I'm spending it with my
significant other. *shrugs* ;P
Aiight, so much for an 'update', eh?xD I better get back to studying; aiming for a 'perfect' GPA of successfully end this chapter of life...and hopefully begin a new one. <3
Take care, and remember me in your prayers..
Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh