Sunday, August 22, 2010

Broken Promises

Salam 3lykm

I wrote this poem today morning, while thinking about my life and my past. I don't claim I'm any angel, and may Allah Forgive me for all that I have done and said to others. Everyday I go through incidents that reinforce the fact that there is no one worthy of Worship other than Allah, and that Muhammad 9alallahu 3lyhi w Sallem is His Messenger.

Mind you, I wrote it when I woke up, so it's not that great xD very simple, yet it's exactly what was going through my mind as I sat with my Mom and Grannie...lost in thought..

Broken Promises

How many empty promises are broken each day, in the name of 'love'? How many names become history within the blink of an eye? We claim to love Allah, yet Him we do disobey, and when our so-called 'love' hurts, towards Him we look for support and cry.

Does He push us away like we did, or does He close the door to His Mercy on our faces? Despite having turned a deaf ear to what He's Commanded, His Provisions are more than enough to maintain our social status.

Do we then bow down before Him in Eternal Gratitude? Do we then pay heed to what He has said? Unfortunately...if we were judged according to our attitudes, to HELL our current lifestyles would have led.

رَبَّنَا ظَلَمۡنَآ أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمۡ تَغۡفِرۡ لَنَا وَتَرۡحَمۡنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ ٱلۡخَـٰسِرِينَ

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh


sadia said...

mashallah! your poem really hit home with me. beauiful reminder :)

AbdulAziz Mohammed said...

Loved your poem alot, Most of us claim that we love our believes and God, we hate falsehood and the devil. However our acts proves the opposite! Acts are trusted more than words. May Allah forgive us and your last paragraph reminded me of this verse:

ولو يؤاخذ الله الناس بظلمهم ما ترك عليها من دابة ولكن يؤخرهم إلى أجل مسمى فإذا جاء أجلهم لا يستأخرون ساعة ولا يستقدمون

MIB said...

Ameen..walla the Ayah you quoted fits perfectly with the post - yzak Allah kl 5ayr for stating it, and for your comment itself!

Comments on this old, dusty blog really make my day!=D