Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Near Escape!

Salam 3lykm

Al7mdlla we arrived home around 12AM; nearly escaped a massive accident 150km away from Mirfa3, w lillaah know when they say your whole life flashes before your eyes? That's true..

There was a trailer in front of us for quite a while; Sb7analla we'd just started off again, so Dad was driving at about 80-100 kmh, so Al7mdlla it was relatively easy to bring the Ol' Faithful to a halt. What happened is that all of a sudden on of the tires of that trailer burst, and it swung across the width of the road, so Dad hit the brakes and swerved off-road. That road is PITCH DARK mind you, except the cars' other cars that were coming from behind were obviously driving at 100+ kmh...there was a lot of screeching of brakes, est' wasn't something I would ever want to dream about, let alone experience again!>.<

I had just opened a packet of popcorn to munch on, but I forgot all about food when this incident took place. May Allah Protect us all; the couple's accident was still fresh in my mind, and the whole way, I made sure I stayed awake so Dad wouldn't fall asleep. I read Enjoy Your Life, by Shay5 M7amad Al 3rifi - It's a wonderful book by the way, a highly-recommended read - bs lil2asaf eshadeed, I doubt it had any effect..yalla..Al7mdlla 3a kil 7aal..

Anyway, back and one piece, w lillaah el7md. =) A belated Rama'9an Mbarak to you all; Al7mdlla, e3tmerna once again on 1st of Rama'9an...a LOT of rush, but TOTALLY worth it. <3 May Allah take us back and bring us back safely again after 3eed, Inshalla..Ameen...and may Allah give all you Readers the chance to experience 3eed fl 7rmain esh Shareefain, Inshalla..=)

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh


Anonymous said...

This is just another reminder we are being given in such a short span of time. Given what's happened in the past few months across the world and among people we know, there is a lesson that we're being 'asked' to ponder.
*Red skys and fireballs are only signs for those who hope to rest in Baqi.
Jzk for keeping me wide awake :)

MIB said...

Didn't mean to keep you awake!O_O SORRYYY

As for Baqee', yes..I pray we are all fortunate enough to be laid down to rest there; May Allah cleanse us, and give us the opportunity and ability to repent sincerely for our sins, and may He keep us away from a horrific end to our lives. May we all die on لا‏ ‏إله‏ ‏إلا‏ ‏الله‎ Ameen!