Friday, October 1, 2010

Reminiscent 'Adult'

Salam 3lykm

I was thinking about the fun I used to have as a kid; ended up writing something very small. It's nothing really..just hating growing old. =( Soon, I'll be 22. *sobs*

Anyway, here you go:

I want to roller-blade and cycle again
Fall down on gravel and bust my knees
Sit on the ground, laugh and wince in pain
Get back up shakily on my feet...
...I want to be a kid again. ='(

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh


Anonymous said...

مطوع يالس ينصح واحد من فئة "الجنس الثالث" ويخبره عن عذاب القبر وعذاب جهنم. وفجأه صرخ الداقة وقال: وااااااي, بس وقف, بتحجب فديتك بتحجب خلاص!

MIB said...

LOOL, la 7wla wla 8uwata illaaa Billaahhh!xD

3la fkra, what's the connection beyn enkta wl mw'9oo3??xD

Anonymous said...

اللهم طولج يا روح.
ولا كونيكشن ولا بطيخ.
بس اباج اتظيفين a new lable
مكتوب عليه

أخرجي يا ابنتي من حلق الضيق ولا تراني بزقر أخينا من الجنس الثالث عشان يقرقطج بعصا

I saw old comments asking the same.

الواحد يوم يهديه رب العرش، يفرح. مب طول الوقت زعلان. إلا عاد إذا الموضوع فيه
Continue XD

MIB said...

Ma a7tay 3a new labels! gltlk/ch..shay label, esma 'cloud9'<- killa happy posts w 5arabee6..what will I do with similar labels? :P

Laaa, jens ethalith!x'D

I'm trying to change..walla I'm TRYIIINGGG. 9dgooni I'm trying REALLY hard to write 'happy' posts, & think positive, w m3arf sho. Tra ths blog was BLACK, BLOOD red, & white before. 3gb el'makeover' - it's now GIRLIE, w it's SO NOT ME, bs tht's 'change'! 9a7 wla? =)

Love your random comments btw..

Haih, continue..affa 3layk/ch - 'elblog blogk/ch' ;P

Anonymous said...

OK my Friend. prove it, I want to see 100 posts of "Cloud9" before the end of 2010 :-)

MIB said...

You're joking..!!O_O

I can't write 100 posts O_O I don't even blog THAT much!O_o

Bu Thyab said...

omg, this is soooo true!!

ahhh... memories!!

once, I was cycling in the neighbourhood and i always wanted to jump off a set of stairs next to our house... so without the helmet or any other safety equipment and my prescription glasses on i rode my fancy bicycle and went to the highest speed, gear seven for backwheel and gear three for frontwheel... which was FULL SPEED... and I jumped

................ BANGGG!!

on the floor, and some passerby was helping me out, lol... it was fun!! though, i had to buy new glasses!!


Bu Thyab said...

of course, due to friction i was injured on my left cheek, palms, elbow, and knee!! heck, i rocked back then!! wat happened... peh!