Friday, February 17, 2012


Salam 3lykm

It's been quite a while since I wrote something as therapy. It's been a while since I wrote anything, really. Obviously, tweets don't count..those were just, I don't know..random thoughts.

Life's suddenly become a lot more unbearable now; I can't take fights anymore. I don't know why, but it feels like I'm falling to pieces. I applaud my mother, for having withstood this bullsh*t for over 31 years, really. 23 years, & I've finally snapped.

Today is my father's birthday, & I dedicate this piece to him. We live under the same roof, yet he is gone. He is not my 'dad'; he is merely the man who shattered the fragile beauty who brought me into this world. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I leave you with, 'Orphaned':

I was once your little girl
You were once the 'bestest' dad
You once shielded me from the world
Other girls envied what I once had

Had it been deception all along?
Were my feet never on stable ground?
Was it that we let you down?
Tell me, where is it that we went wrong?

You were supposed to raise a family
Nurture us with love, not hatred
Showered endless torment callously
Shattering a bond ever-so-sacred

Why did time turn us all into orphans?
What heinous crime did we ever commit?
What made you heartlessly abandon..
..A woman so close to 'perfect'?

You worry because I seem troubled
Whilst deaf & blind to her endless agony
The fortress she painstakingly built has crumbled
Leaving her exposed to your bitter enmity

Although her defenses have broadened
It still has her in total despair
Her children were left orphaned
Void of both fatherly love and care

Every heartbeat more painful than the next
Tears pathetically replacing the words I can't say
Memories of how your 'O's preceded your 'X's
As your little girl wished her 'bestest' dad..
"Happy Birthday"

Wes Salam 3lykm w R7matullahi T3ala W Barakateh


Bu Thyab said...

Salam alaikum once again :)

Do not know what to say exactly, except that do'a is a powerful thing. Pray for yourself and your family to become united and see love on your faces once again.

I can't be sure of many things, but one thing I believe it to be true is that having a father since the beginning is better than none at all.

May Allah give us success in this life and the hereafter.

MIB said...

w3lykm as salam w r7matullahi t3ala w barakateh,

Yes, du3aa2 is undoubtedly very powerful, but some aren't accepted in this world..& are saved for the Hereafter..

It's a very sensitive issue, & one that I wouldn't expect others to understand..I probably wouldn't have understood it myself, had I been on the outside, looking in..