Saturday, February 9, 2008

Back Online!

Salam 3alykm

Yes, I'm First off, I'd like to thank my new reader who prefers to keep him/herself anonymous for a reason which I don't know -.- lol, bs long as you're enjoying the insanity, it's all goood!

Life's been absolutelyyyy beeeaaauuutiiifuuuul :D *apart from the couple of 'downs' that struck me* I don't think I've been happier & more secure than I am now! *Al7amdulillaah*

Aiight, so I wrote two separate poems so far, *well, no..that would be a lie. I wrote more than two, bes I'm not feeling THAT generous today :p* one of which I think is kinda retarded, but considering I wrote in less than 20 minutes, it's not that bad! I like the second one, but I wrote it when I was going through a 'down' it doesn't really count anymore. I'll save the poems for later, right now I just want to blog a 'lil' bit!

Regarding the socks &'s a shame really, bes I wore them for a day & *I shouldn't be saying this!* it was hooorrriiible! I couldn't hold anything properly, and my walking speed was decreased cuz my feet *NO, it ain't funny -.-* kept 'slipping & sliding in my shoes'. Yes, I know how weird that sounds, and No, I don't know how to explain it in a clearer way! I can't walk slow, always seems like I'm in a rush for something! I guess I get that from Dad; you gotta walk really fast to keep up with him, & now I've pretty much forgotten how to stroll. So yeah, the 'banana peel in my shoe' effect didn't do it for me. May Allah give me the Toufi8 to start wearing the socks & gloves with no difficulties, just as He made it easy for me to wear N8aab at a young age, Ameen.

I've given up on the idea of caffeine pills so far, but if things go 'wrong', I'm headed straight for the pharmacy!-.- *So - in other words - to 'whomever it may concern', don't piss me off -.- :p*

I desperately want to go for 3mrah in March, but I already had a hellish time last semester; missed a month of university! I'll miss three days only..but I gotta go to university 3 days a week only! And you don't generally pray Isti5ara about stuff like this, bes I think that's the only way I'll be at peace with my decision! *Unless my readers have any better idea? If you do, please share! I really want to go but then..uni!* I don't want to be called 'C-Class girl' for the rest of my life! *As much as it sounds like I'm being compared to a Benz (H)* I want to show 'em a GPA above 3.5 this semester! I told 'em there's going to be no traveling whatsoever, cuz I need to attend EVERY SINGLE CLASS...bes...3mraaaaah :'(

My heart is torn into pieces, and strangely enough...all the pieces want to be in beloved Makkah & it is, we can't go anymore in summer cuz for the coming 3 years, I HAVE to be in Pakistan for the exams =( And Rama'9aan...UNI again!>.< ARGH! I SOOO want to go!:'( Inshalla 5ayr *sighs*

Moving on..*stunned speechless by a text message she just got*

WHOA..OK *takes a deep breath* I think I'll just leave y'all with the poems..waayy too excited & nervous to continue now!

First one, written on the 2nd of Feb, 2008: TWO STRANGERS

Two strangers they were on the first day
Got knocked down by love & were swept away
Both heartbroken & insecure
Thought love existed no more..
Buried under the burden of their sorrows
Grief stricken like there was no tomorrow
Turned to each other for solace & comfort
Sought from one another the needed support
...Enveloped by love, they stand today
Becoming inseparable by the day
Holding on strongly to what they own
Waiting to turn their house into a HOME
They were merely two strangers on the first day
But now they're soul-mates trying to find their own way..

Second, written on *LOL* 3rd Feb, 2008: A Born Loner *doesn't count anymore!:D*

Life isn't always how it seems
I feel like I'm living in a world of dreams
Everything I reach for vanishes into thin air
I've become so used to it, I don't even despair *YEAH RIGHT!*
It's like I'm destined to live alone
Both heart & soul I've ceased to own
My tears have long dried up, replaced by a sad smile
Crying for the impossible is not worthwhile
Alone I stand; determined & proud
Only 'cuz I know, I stand apart from the crowd...

1 comment:

Unknown said...


hmm first para: bs is normally knwn around as bulls... :|

bes is rite..

[sorry me has a terrible habit of fixing ppl sometimes]

ahh the explantion for the 's n g'
me is guessing it wasnt latex.. more like the winter ones..

but now I get it.. its the part of 3baya 's n g' mashaallah

try those energy drinks like Bison [arab made sr2] or red bull [sr5]

I HAVE these two songs in my head [lyrically inclined n criminal, slow, smooth rnb, prolly only guitar n drums] and if i mix that w/ this it sounds so awesome.. ah something to cheer up abt

and the 2nd one pretty much describes how i felt coupla weeks back during vacation..

again the first one is A-W-E-S-O-M-E-N-E-S-S :D
