Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Salam 3alykm

The reason why I have not been blogging is because things were pretty crazy around here! Anyway, I wrote a WHOLE post *yep, one of those LONG ones!* this afternoon, and not too long ago, my eldest brother made a HUGE issue, w Allah yjzeeh kil 5ayr...because I've decided not to blog about my life anymore. I don't know WHAT I'll blog about...IF I'll blog anymore to begin with..but yeah, there's nothing so interesting about my life that needs to be published for everyone out there to read about..

I'll blog some of my poems, I guess...& things related to Deen, bes Inshalla..there won't be nothing related to the life I'm livin' right now, & what's happenin'..y'all will probably get a gist of that anyway through my poetry..

I got slightly furious at him cuz 'who the hell does he think he is to control my life?' but Al7mdulillaah *after washing dishes :p* I realized, he only means well ^_^
My loved ones & those who are close to me already know about my life..the rest need to work on their relationships with me if they want to extract that personal information :p

With that said, here's something I wrote on the 16th of March, titled: " Lovers' Sunrise" (corny, I know..but if you think of a better title, then lemme know through 'comments')

She stands alone on the shore, mind preoccupied
Trying to figure out valid reasons behind all those lies
Tears flow freely now, because she knows there's no one around
Misery & heartache is all that she found
Rejection was the biggest of all her fears
The mere thought of it all brings back tears
Why didn't she just deny all the 'love' that came through?
Why didn't she realize it's the same thing all guys do?
Sweet-talk the girl until she finally gives in
Then end it all even faster than they begin...
She gasps as someone turns her around & takes her hand
Gently wipes away her tears and together they stand
Husband & wife out to share their first sunrise
He knows what she's been through, so he isn't taken by surprise
She sobs against his warm chest helplessly
Making him wrap his arms around her protectively
...It is but a beautiful scenario that unfolds before oblivious eyes
Newlyweds locked in an embrace while sharing their first 'Lovers' Sunrise'

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