Salam 3lykm
Insomnia strikes again - has it got something to do with the month we're in right now? I don't know. Just like so many other questions that remain unanswered..
I'm kinda going down a spiral of doom - a constant inner battle of feelings is driving me closer to insanity, so please pray for me..
Jzakm Allah 5ayr,
Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh
I cant imagain what your going through but Ma 3alaych shar.
Eshar mayeek w Rabbi yb3dna 3n eshar..
Jzak Allah 5ayr, bro..w i'll touch down on part of it in my next post..stand by ^_^
Damn really?? :(
n i surely hope u feel better..
take it eazy yo
stop the coffee and coffee drinks completely for a couple of weeks ... it worked for me :)
CJ: slightly better now..yeah, al7amdulillah 3ela kil 7aal ^_^ thanx
omanymous: oh, i don't drink coffee, tea, or fizzy drinks! i might take coffee durin' xam nights, and that more than half a mug - makes me nauseous >.<
i'm really thinkin' it's 'seasonal insomnia', lol..inshalla 5ayr..thanx for the tip, anyway ^_^
thats me knockin u out so u can fall asleep
seriously though
Dont create the spiral
Distract urself
oh...try sleeping pills :p
if u dont like em..................gadoonk
barhooooom...what a PLEASANT surprise!:D
maaan, you just made myyy daaayyyy!<3 hey, supply me with the pills, & i'll pop 'em *shrugs* :p
got HG's books in English - been readin' 'em since yday, & i gotta say..they've made a MAJOR difference! maybe all i needed was some 'spiritual healing' ;)
first comment from ya on my blog - it's the biggest honor EVER!
i know EXACTLY how it feels like, i had it for 2 years stright before, allah tshafeech inshallah.
hope you feel better soon. sometimes i can't stop thinking at night anf spend the whole night lying awake in really sucks!
alhumdulillah, sleep is such a blessing, which we sadly take for granted!
and oh! thanks for your comments!
ahmed: ouch...two whole years?! O_o Ameeen...i discovered a way of sleeping - just read uni books -.-
sadia: OH YEAH, thinkin' sucks at times! I wrote a poem about it once - somewhere around july, i think - The Silent Murderer - that's how i interpret thoughts some time!
indeed, it's human nature - you take all your blessings for granted, 'til they're snatched away from ya..btw, wrote a poem on insomnia, too :p should be somewhere in aug07 if you interested ^_^
inshallah, i will read them later for sure! :)
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