Friday, January 9, 2009


Salam 3lykm

So, I'll get straight to the point. My Iman level had been dippin' down to a shameful low again. Made me wonder, 'What the hell is going on, here?' I think I finally found the solution to my problem, y' on to learn more.

So, after the day I watched 'The Road to Gunatanamo', I decided: should I watch any of the BS Hollywood churns out after this day, that would render me shameless. Look at how Shay6an leads people astray --> it all started off with cartoons, believe it or not. I thought, 'there's nothing wrong with watching a little bit of cartoons - they are stress relieving.' Shay6an knows slow & steady wins the race..very patient and throws in all he has got, something we really need to do! So, me being the car nut I am, get hooked to 'Top Gear'. I literally watched it day & night, until I ran outta the episodes..and when I did, I waited impatiently for season 12 to come out. Meanwhile, I got hooked onto 'documentaries'. You see where this is leading to? So, there I was, watching documentaries on anything and everything..from snipers, to Ski Dubai! Ran outta documentaries..started watching disney 'kiddie movies'. Can you see the pattern now? Eventually, I started streaming movies online.

Recently, going through crazy ups and downs, obviously self-inflicted pain..what else can a loser for life do? lol..anyway, I resorted to watch movies to numb the pain, and it actually worked. Although, now I realize it was actually just stripping me of my morales, 7ayaa2, etc. more or less. And of course, the inevitable fitna that comes with the fitna of movies is 'love'. Ay love, ay b6ee5? Even animals don't act as carnally as these people do in movies - 3fanAllah. But of course, it plays with your emotions, and then...I'm sure y'all know the rest. Plus it doesn't help that I put myself through endless mental torture, for some very strange and annoying reason. Al7amdulillah 3ela ni3met elIslam - makes you realize that Sharee3a Laws are actually for OUR OWN benefit. <-- Being the stubborn person I am, I had to learn this the hard way, fortunately or unfortunately. Not because Islam is an 'opressive' religion.

Al7mdulillah, today I decided I need to put a stop to this, or it will NEVER end. Praying Fajr late everyday, being zonked out in my 3elm classes, BS'ing more than half the day, not doing Tilawah regularly...aah, the list is endless unfortunately. Needless to say, I deleted more than 15GB worth of unwatched trash that was using up precious space on my laptop, and I have to felt GOOD. My laptop has been 'cleansed' - the sins that would've built up from watching most of the stuff I had = GONE...و هذا من فضل ربي

Aiight, this is one long post, and my fingers are killing me. If you think it's because of typing so much, you're wrong. I can type pages and pages on my lovely laptop, and never get tired of it - in fact, the keys make me want to type more!:D It's my nailbiting - spun outta control since the past week or so. Really not good - every finger is injured, and results in everything around me gettin' bloody >.< Cannibalism -.-

My chain of thoughts has been disturbed, so I guess I'ma end the post here..*did I hear a sigh of relief?-.- :P*

Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w barakateh


sadia said...

no more nail biting!
you hear??
STOP today.
exactly how you deleted that unwatched trash, you've gotta stop nail it excuses! hear??

Anonymous said...

I second Sadia!

Anonymous said...

if it was that easy, dontch'all think i would've done it already? -.- it's now become an involuntary act - no urges, nothing. I just do it without knowing. sometimes, the taste of blood is what makes me go 'WHOA, hand outta mouth NOW!'

Eramsurviv0r said...

And I triple that!
Seriously ! >_>

Also , i'm not judging anyone here and I'm not questioning what you thought is the right thing to do....but IMHO, I think a faith that comes truly from the heart...truly from within , wouldn't budge even if it went against the whole world.

Let alone being shaken by a mere movie or any other literary work.

I think practicing the five pillars of islam , honoring the parents , looking after your family , living only wishing goodness to the others ,
is far more important than worrying about doing or not doing things that might not even be of that worth and rewarding as those mentioned above.

Sometimes, we concentrate too much on issues we think are important , that we loose what truly is.

I think looking at the big picture once in a while, would help clear our view when the long journey in this life takes it's toll on us...when everyday's routines start clouding our eyes.

.....Sorry for the long preach >_>
Take care and...believe in yourself.

Anonymous said...

LOL, yeah..well i'm not typin' all that again, so just read my previous comment:P

maybe my Iman is not that keeps fluctuating like crazy, anyway! However, you do get influenced by movies, literature, etc.

You're right, but when certain things influence your Iman negatively..that's the first sign of something's terribly wrong. What's life without Iman? Personally, I start screwing up MAJOR in every aspect of life when the level hits eliminate the cause from its root - dontcha think so?

Doesn't matter, bro - weird but true, i enjoy 'preachings' from time to time, and it's always nice to know others' views. So, feel free to preach to your heart's content around here!^_^

asameee said...

el7emdlillah 3la ne3mat el islam =)

asameee said...

im goingprivate on my blog and would like you to be a reader, plz drop me a line on my blog with which email address i can invite you by, or send it as an email to =) merci ya um 3eesa