Salam 3lykm
Sh7alkm? Drove to Madinah day before yesterday Al7mdlla, and currently staying at the couple's house I wrote about earlier. Sb7analla..a
woman's touch is truly what turns a 'house' into a 'home'. A lot of work is needed, and Inshalla - with your prayers - we'll be able to do as much as we can while we're here.
My 'poetry block' came to an end day before yesterday as well, lol. After coming back from Al 7aram in the morning, I sat down and completed an unfinished poem I started writing
months ago.
Since I've finished my studies wl7mdlla, the next obvious chapter that's about to begin is 'marriage'. So, amidst all the talks...I wrote a poem to 'mark' the 'beginning', lol.
It may sound far-fetched, but these are truly the
main qualities I look for in a life partner. I'm not concerned with his educational background, nor the figures of his bank account; Allah er-Razig - the amount a person is supposed to get has already been decided when life is breathed into him or her as a fetus.
Sb7analla, I received 5 job offers which were
all at administrative positions..but because I don't ever intend to work UNLESS absolutely necessary..they were of no use to me. Yet, there SO many graduates out there, still hunting tirelessly for a job; What good have their degrees brought them? Sb7analla, I know of a person who didn't study beyond GRADE 3; today, that guy drives around in a LEXUS and deals with the Shyoo5. Mashalla, Allah has blessed him with so much that he wouldn't have to
think twice before walking into a car showroom and rolling out two brand-new, luxurious rides, FULLY paid for, in CASH.إن الله يرزق من يشاء بغير حساب
Neither am I interested in whether he's tall, short, fat, scrawny, etc...but if he doesn't keep a fist-length beard, then he's come knocking at the wrong door.It may sound extreme to some, and others say, 'what's in a beard? Taqwa has nothing to do with what the guy looks like!'
If he is 'too embarrassed' to adopt the style of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم , then I'm 'too embarrassed' to walk by his side. I've not known any other 'styles' for MEN; al7mdlla, my brothers and father have always let their beards grow long, and my brothers perfect the look by letting their hair grow long, too.
Even when these senseless illustrationists attempt to draw Muslims, they always draw a beard; why then are the brothers SHUNNING their IDENTITY? Have you ever seen a Sikh without a turban, sporting a clean-shaved face and a crewcut..or even a mohawk? Why on earth do Muslim brothers copy such retarded fads, when even
Mushrikeen wouldn't?
Anyway, I could carry on FOREVER on such controversial topics, but THIS post is supposed to be about my poem! Here's to praying that my future husband is someone who will truly help me 9;complete' my Iman and Deen, Inshalla..may Allah Bless all the unmarried Readers with Righteous spouses, who will be a source of Eternal Bliss for them in the A5irah; Ameen!
The Quest
I seek
not a temporary love that will gradually fade away; I seek that which will bring contentment to my heart and soul, and strengthen day after day.
I seek
not superfluous words that toy with the mind and heart; I seek the simple ones of those who will continue making a difference long after he departs.
I seek
not the company of one who prefers to pray the 5 prayers in the comfort of his home; I seek the company of he who would rather search the city for someone to pray with, than standing in prayer on his own.
I seek
not someone who has been blinded by the wealth that he has been endowed with; I seek the one who spends openly in the way of Allah, leaving Angels in doubt of how much he gives.
I seek
not the coward who will take refuge in his home, when war has been declared; I seek the Lion of Allah from whom not one disbelieving life will be spared.
I seek
not one whose frown is more renowned than his smile; I seek he whose alluring presence is felt from well over a mile.
I seek
not a companion to share the temporary joys of this transit world; I seek a soulmate with whom I will enjoy in Everlasting Gardens of descriptions foretold.
If what I seek is an
impossible quest, far from reality; I will
persevere tirelessly to fulfill this so-called 'fantasy'.
Wes Salam 3lykm w Ra7matullahi T3ala w Barakateh